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How to read your exposure?

Updated: Jun 13, 2021

A blog post by Darkroom 8 Team

Light meter” seems like unfamiliar for most of the teens film photographers as smartphone camera is most of their first gear.

Regardless of how you shoot, and whichever shooting mode you prefer to use, there is one item that remain constant-the light meter. Understanding what your camera’s light meter does and how it works is critical to advancing your skills and helping you get the shots you really want. For your film to look good, you need to make sure that it’s not too bright (overexposed) or too dark (underexposed). You can adjust your exposure by changing.

  • ISO (how sensitive of the film to light)

  • Aperture (the amount of light the lens let through)

  • Shutter Speed (the amount of time the light gets through)

Technically speaking, the correct film exposure does not exist as different photographers will have a different idea of what’s properly exposed and what is not.

We have used Kodak Colorplus 200 to to create an Exposure Reference Sheet in order to show you all the different exposure outcome. See the example photo and negative below for the overexposed and underexposed outcome.


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